I have for sale an AirPort Extreme base station (802.11g w/dial-up modem) 
model A1034. It is in excellent working condition .I have recently  finally 
been upgraded to High speed internet and received a Wireless modem from my 
ISP so have no further use for this one. It includes the Original box,power 
supply ,Wall mount bracket and installation disk. I'm asking $30 shipped to 
anywhere in the US. 

Next up isn't exactly Mac related but it can be used on a 
PC,Mac,iPhone,iPod,Andoid,etc..It is a Wireless N Network Camera 
(DCS-930L). Details can be found here : 
http://mydlink.dlink.com/products/DCS-930L .I received it new from them but 
afterwards, it wasn't exactly what i needed so i figure i can pass it on to 
someone else who might need it or want it.Same as new, just opened to 
verify everything was included.They sell on amazon and other places for $75 
or more so how does $45 Shipped sound?*

*Pics on request.All prices negotiable.*
*Shipping will be from 
Steve Luby
Weston,WV 26452*

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