I would like to throw this at the list. This is a local pickup offer. What
you would need is about $300 and a car. You would also have to be able to
show up at my residence in the San Francisco Bay Area.  I have several
older Mac's including 2 3400c's in various stages of assembly, a couple G4
Cubes, laptop cases, cables, hard drives, PCI cards, RAM, power supplies,
binders of old software discs, a couple of PC towers basically a closet
full of gear. Literally too much stuff to list here. I am stepping out of
Mac Repair and moving on. I would only be keeping what I needed to keep.
Which isn't much.

The gear I would give you would net you far more than $300 if you resold
things. I have a 2 year old daughter, and no time to sift through this
stuff. I need someone who has the desire to tinker and put these things
together (the cubes are together and working). You could make some real
decent money. If no one here bites, I will hit Craigslist.

Kyle Hansen
Alameda, CA  94501

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