Hey listers -

My 12" PBG4 recently suffered a bad case of "fatal fall from my desk,"
destroying the case, screen, and power brick in the process.  This
leaves me with a bit of a problem as I still use old versions of
PhotoShop, Illustrator, and InDesign for my design/layout work.  My
MBP is far too new for Rosetta, so I find myself in need of a system
capable of running Leopard or Snow Leopard.

I'd strongly prefer an early Intel system so I can multi-boot it as a
Linux system, but price is a driving factor for me on this - I'm
turning to the used market to avoid dropping two grand on new software
right now.  If I can get through this for less than $350 you'd be my
hero.  What I'm looking for is as follows:

1) 15" PowerBook G4, 1.33 GHz or faster (I'd prefer 1.5 or 1.67 GHz as
I was using a 1.5 GHz 12" PBG4)
Functional with working power supply, battery does not need to hold a
RAM and APX are of little concern as I have these available.
Does not need to be a museum piece; it will be carried in a backpack
when I'm not using it at my desk.

1.5)  I'd also consider a 1.42 or 1.5 GHz PPC mini if the price were

2) Early Core2Duo Mac Mini with power brick, capable of Leopard/Snow
**I'd really like the model with the nVidia chipset rather than the
Intel GMA, but this is not a deal breaker; any system is better than
my busted up PowerBook.
Functional ports (video, sound, USB/FW, etc)
RAM and hard drive capacity are not a big deal to me as I have
components available.
I'm comfortable working inside a mini, so a bad hard drive or optical
drive isn't an issue.
I'm willing to pay more if you have the original restore discs -OR- a
Snow Leopard install DVD.  The only install disc I have on hand for an
older Intel system is the Leopard retail DVD I bought back in 2007.

I might consider an early Intel 'Book if the price were right.

Shipping would be to my work address in Pella, IA 50219.  I can make
shipping extremely easy, if you so choose:  You give me the shipping
weight and I'll email you a prepaid FedEx Ground or 2 Day shipping
label.  I can only do prepaid via FedEx (I get great rates through my
employer) so please advise if FedEx doesn't work for you. I'll pay
actual shipping costs plus shipping supplies by the carrier of your
choice in this case.

Payment would be via PayPal or money order at your discretion.  I use
my debit card through PayPal, so please take any fees on your end into
consideration when determining your asking price.

Let me know what you have (specs or model number are fine, I can look
it up from there) and what you'd take for it.  I'd love to be up and
running again by the weekend, so strong preference would be given to
someone who would take PayPal and could ship by Wednesday.

Thanks in advance,

Mike Boyd
mike.boy...@gmail.com / 641.295.6787
eBay:  ciphaken, 100% positive, PayPal verified
Home:  Tracy, IA 50256
Work:  Pella, IA 50219

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