I upgraded to a new macbook pro, so my wife told me that I need to sell my 
other one.  

Here are the basic specs:
Intel Core2Duo 2.26Ghz processor
4GB DDR3 1333 ram - I will even throw in the original 2x1GB DDR3 ram that 
came with it if you want it.
160 GB Hard drive
13" Screen with 1280x800 resolution
The "new" thing that this model introduced is the SD Card reader.
It has all the rest of the normal stuff such as airport extreme card, 
superdrive, bluetooth, usb, firewire 800, etc...

You can read more about it here:

There has been one repair on it.  The sata cable for the hard drive needed 
to be replaced.  It has been running very smoothly ever since.  
The battery holds a good charge.

Last of all, there is a very small ding in the right hand corner of the top 
case.  Otherwise, cosmetically it looks good.  The screen is perfect.

It runs Mountain Lion like a champ.  However, per list rules - I will have 
Leopard installed on it when shipped.

I would like to get $550 shipped and insured with payment through paypal.

Please feel free to make an offer.  The worst I can say is no. :)  If you 
want pictures, let me know, and I will be glad to send some your way.

Thanks for looking!
Paul Beckling
Tuscola, TX 79562

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