Hi Swappers, 
I have a G5 Tower for sale.  This is a 1.8 ghz dual processor G5 tower in 
excellent working condition, and very good cosmetically (9/10).  It is just 
missing a PCI port cover and an external Airport Extreme antenna.  Passed Apple 
Hardware Test.  Also tested with Leopard 10.5.8 but drive will be wiped per 
list rules.

1.8 GHz Dual Processor G5
Model A1047
80 GB Western Digital Drive
Nvidia GeForce FX 5200 Graphics (DVI/ADC connectors)
SuperDrive (DVD R/W)
Firewire 400/800
USB 2.0
Airport Extreme (You need an ext. antenna)
Internal Modem
Digital and Analog Sound connections
Keyboard, Mouse, Power Cord included

$99 plus shipping.  Paypal preferred.  Pictures available.  Thanks for looking.

Joe Duran
Carmichael CA 95608

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