I'm looking to trade some of my extra equipment for a nice
condition PowerBook G4.

What I'm looking for:

Any aluminum G4 or DVI-equipped titanium G4. Ideal machines would be a 1ghz
titanium, 1ghz or better 12", or 1.33ghz or better 15" aluminum, but any
model would be considered. And, I realize it's a long shot, but I'd also be
interested in any early MacBook Pro. The computer doesn't necessarily need
RAM, a power adapter, or a working battery (nor hard drive or AirPort if it
is a titanium model), but I certainly wouldn't mind if they were included.
All that really matters is that everything works well and it doesn't look
too bad (preferably no major scuffs or dents)

What I have (plenty of pictures available):

iMac G4 - 15", 700mhz, 40gb, 512mb, Combo Drive. This machine is in
beautiful condition and works great. It has been cleaned inside and out
(with new thermal paste applied after cleaning) and it looks practically
new. Everything works perfectly and it comes with matching Apple Pro
Keyboard and Mouse (the keyboard is a bit yellowed but was completely
dismantled and cleaned a few months ago, and the mouse has some fraying but
works fine). It runs Tiger very well, but the drive will be wiped and I'll
reinstall the original iMac software bundle (10.1 and 9.2.2, along with
some extras like AppleWorks and iMovie). It has a generic black power cord
and no discs are included.

iBook G3 12" - 900mhz, 128mb RAM, 30gb HD, Combo Drive. The fastest G3
laptop ever made, and one of the last machines that could boot into OS 9
natively. Everything works well and it is in pretty good condition,
although there are some normal signs of wear. The screen is bright and
clear and the battery holds a pretty good charge, but you will probably
need to "reset" the battery through repeated charging and discharging (it
takes forever to charge, but once it gets to 100% it will play a DVD for
about an hour and a half with full brightness and wifi on before hitting
50%, at which point it drops to zero and goes to sleep). The one bizarre
thing about it is that it has the translucent white/silver bottom case and
palmrest of the 800mhz A1005 model, but the System Profiler reports a
900mhz processor and the screen bezel is the correct opaque white/gray
color. No power cable included.

PowerBook G4 - 500mhz, 128mb RAM, 20gb HD, DVD-ROM. This is a bit of a
fixer-upper. It works fine, the screen is excellent, and the inside
(keyboard/palmrest) is very nice, but it is missing a few screws, the
bottom and lid have scuffs, and it needs new speakers (only the right one
works and it is distorted). I'd really rather keep this unless I'm trading
for another titanium model, since the TiBook is one of my favorite designs,
but I'd throw it in for the right aluminum model as well.

Apple DVI to ADC adapter - this isn't definite, but I may be getting a
Studio Display that comes with one and I don't need two. It is in perfect
working condition and still has the original protective plastic on it.

If that's not enough, I also have a few other things (some monitors, other
computer equipment, and a Power Mac G4 Sawtooth if you live in Houston,
since it's probably too heavy to ship), and I may be able to throw in a
little money as well, depending on how much shipping turns out to be.

If any (or all) of these things interest you, just let me know what you
have and what you would want to trade for (and if you don't see exactly
what you want just ask and I'll try to list anything else I have). A local
deal would be preferred (especially if you want the iMac or Sawtooth), but
if you aren't local I'm sure we can still work out shipping. And again,
feel free to ask for pictures.

Steven Fowler
eBay ID: Obi1kenobi1 (100% positive)
Houston, TX 77083

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