No interest at $85 shipped, so I've lowered my asking price by $15.

I have a 900mhz iBook G3 just sitting here, and I figure there might be
someone else out there who could use it.

This is not only the fastest G3 laptop, but also the fastest G3 machine
ever produced by Apple (only outdone by a few rare processor upgrades for
older Power Macs). It performs very well under Tiger, in some ways
outperforming older G4s. It will even play YouTube videos at an acceptable
frame rate if you set the quality to 144p. It is also one of the very last
machines capable of booting into OS 9, although I think it might require a
machine-specific version and I haven't attempted it.

There is only one "major" flaw, and it will only be noticeable to
perfectionists, but I figure I should get it out of the way first: this
machine appears to have been assembled out of spare parts, or at least
rebuilt at some point. The body is the silver and translucent white of the
earlier "iceBook" models (an 800mhz model, according to the sticker under
the keyboard), while the port bezel and screen assembly are the correct
gray and opaque white "snow" style like the iBook G4. The System Profiler
confirms that this is indeed the 900mhz model. Also, it looks like it is
missing a few screws (nothing major, these tanks have hundreds of them to
spare) and one section of the case doesn't seem to want to snap all the way
down (whenever I push the two pieces together it pops back like the clip
isn't catching). It is only a gap of a few millimeters at the most and
maybe taking it apart would fix the problem but it is very minor and I
don't want to risk breaking something. Apart from the mismatched case,
everything looks very nice. It isn't perfect, but it is relatively clean
and damage free, and it has definitely survived better than many iBooks out

Now for the specs: 900mhz PowerPC G3, 384mb of RAM, 30gb HD, Combo Drive.
It works perfectly, and the screen is beautiful (not as bright as a new
MacBook, but much brighter than my iBook G4's screen was when it finally
died, which makes me think this one only had a couple years of regular use
before being retired). It's been running Tiger with no problems, but the
drive will be wiped since I don't have the original disks. This machine
doesn't have an AirPort card, but I can include one for $7 more (you could
find cheaper ones on eBay, and I'd personally recommend that since I don't
have any extras and will have to buy another one if you want this one).

The battery holds a considerable charge, but will likely need to be "reset"
through repeated use. Right now it takes a quite a while to reach a full
charge, and once it falls to around 50% it suddenly drops to zero, but
between 100% and 50% it will last a couple hours (when I timed it playing a
DVD at full brightness with wifi on it lasted just over an hour and a half,
so I'd expect at least two hours of web browsing or word processing). I
don't have a spare Apple charger, but I can include an old Macally charger
that seems to work fine.

I'm not exactly sure how much these are worth these days, but how about $70
shipped or best offer? Shipping will be via USPS priority flat rate, and
I'll only include the default $50 of insurance unless you want to pay
for the full amount (insurance prices recently went up, and the extra $20
of insurance would cost another $2.45). I also might be interested in a
trade for a different computer or device, just let me know what you have. I
only accept PayPal, unless you are local in which case I'd accept cash. If
you have any questions please feel free to ask, and I have plenty of
pictures I can send to make sure you know what to expect.

Steven Fowler
eBay ID: Obi1kenobi1 (100% positive)
Houston, TX 77083

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