G3 iBook 600mb with the following:

New Keyboard and like new interior.
640 mb ram (max)
60G HTS721060G9AT00 hard drive with very little usage. 
Airport card
DVD-Rom drive
Apple battery with 132 cycles and 3911/3538 capacity.
Hinges and latch are perfect. 
Screen pads are replaced with clear silicone bumpers. 
Power supply (w/o extension cord) included. 
All bottom pads are in place on body and batteries. 
Price with shipping Priority mail $75.00 with above battery. 

Also, additional battery Apple with 3928/3430 and 38 cycles
and a bit whiter than original is $20. If purchased with above $15. 
Shipped with unit is included. 
Shipped at the $20 price add $5. 

Dale Polk
Northridge, CA 91343

PayPal in 48 states. 

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