Acard Ahard Ultra ATA66 PCI Controller - AEC6260M -
Dual Channel ATA - 66 PCI Adapter for Power Mac - 100% Plug & Play -
Original Box & Manuals + 2 used ATA cables  $12.50 shipped USPS Priority

Sonnet Tempo Serial ATA PCI controller
2 internal SATA connectors - 48-bit LBA support for drives larger than 137GB
Supports Mac OS X mirroring and striping
Boots from any attached hard drive Plug&Play no drivers needed!
Mac Compatiblity
•  Power Mac G3 (Blue & White)
•  Power Mac G4
•  Power Mac G5 (with PCI or PCI-X slots)
•  Mac OS® X Version 10.5, 10.4, or 10.3
•  Mac OS 9
$50 shipped USPS Priority Mail

Sonnet Tempo ATA 100 PCI Controller Card v2.2.1
Dual Channel ATA - 100 PCI Adapter for Power Mac - 100% Plug & Play card
only + 2 used ATA Cables
$15.75 shipped USPS Priority Mail

PCI SCSI Adapter Cards

Orange Micro Grappler SCSI 906F   1 - 50Pin Internal and 1 25Pin (Apple)
SCSI connectors
Adaptec AVA-2906  1 - 50Pin Internal and 1 25Pin (Apple) SCSI connectors
Adaptec AHA-2930CU Mac  1 - 50Pin Ultra SCSI Internal 1 50Pin HD/SE
External connectors
Adaptec AHA-2910C  1 - 50Pin SCSI Internal 1 50Pin HD/SE External connectors
$12.50 each shipped USPS Priority Mail


Aloha, Ken Santucci

PayPal preferred, USPS money orders gladly accepted.

eBay ID = harbourmaster

Shipping from Long Beach, CA 90808

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