Apple Original Airport Card - $10.00 .... with carrier $12.50
Nice Apple Keyboard II M0487 ADB with coiled cord - $15.00
Video/Monitor adapters, Mac Male 15 DB x VGA HD15 FM - $3.50
 Mac DB15 FM X VGA HD15 Male adapters - $2.00
Vintage Griffin Technology Mac Composite Adapter DB15 pin male x DB15 pin FM -
with adapter to VGA 15 male - $5.00
Apple IIfx 64 pin Ram sticks (assumed 1MB) - $1.50 ea
Misc, assumed 1MB,  30 pin simms RAM -- .35 ea
 66/33 mhz  Daughter Boards for 520, 540c PowerBooks -$1.25 ea
Vintage FETCH CATALOGER Software on floppy- in box SEALED - $2.00
DOS On Mac Card only - Radius PCI DOM/MX short card - $3.00
DOS On Mac Card only - Radius PCI Long Card - $8.00
 Reset/ Interrupt Switch - Mac II, IIx, IIFX #815-6024 - $2.00
 Reset/ Interrupt Button - Mac IIci, Iicx - $2.50
a Rare SuperMac SimplyTV Video Card - $8.00
SuperMac Spectrum Power 1152 v3.1 - 7" NuBus video card in Pristine cosmetic condition.- $15.00 UnimacFly Monitor multi-switch Resolution Adapter, Mac Male X VGA FM - $4.00
DB9 X 4BNC video cables - New in Package - $2.50
DB15 Male x 3,4 or 5 BNC cables - $5.00
DB15 Male x 1 BNC cables - NOS - in package - $1.00 ea
Apple DOS on Mac Cable 590-4539 - New - $5.00
Apple DOM cable 590-2104 - New - $6.50
Apple ADB coiled keyboard cables - $2.25
 SE/30 Hack Project - Radius Color Pivot IIsi Video Card - $5.00
 SE/30 Hack Project - SuperMac angle adapter card - $5.00

Shipping from
Whitney, TX 76692
Rob Spivey
"The first recipe for happiness is: Avoid too lengthy meditations on
the past."
--André Maurois

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