I've got a clean, really souped up Performa 6400. One of the very last
Performas made. It's got a 5 gig quantum el hard drive, it's got 88 MB of 5
volt sdram, it's got the floppy and SCSI Cd-rom. All works. I packed this
thing with a ATI Rage 128 and Mac OS 8 and she flew. Now I have
painstakingly torn apart the case and cleaned this thing from point a to
point b. It's in collectable condition. Nearly No yellowing. Very little
scratches. I have the original software folder, the 13' RGB high resolution
monitor, for what it is it's pretty cool. However I am in the mood to sell.
I've got a slew and a happy wife makes a happy life.
That said. I have a few options to a buyer. But I am not sure at what price
to price this at so I am going to throw out a few numbers and anyone really
interested throw me one that works for you. I am looking to get around $100
bucks shipped to your door fully insured and protected. With the ATI Rage
card, I am looking for a little extra but will install for buyer at no
charge if wished. The monitor is for sale too, but it's not light $20+
actual shipping.. This one has that power supply cord that links these two
togther, but that cord ships with Performa. This is only open to the lower
48 states please.
If you've been looking for a vintage Mac, this ones worth a look.

Robert Wheeler
Mishawaka IN 46544

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