For sale - An Apple / NVIDIA GeForce 7800GT video card for PowerMac G5 PCIe 
(late 2005 Dual Core/Quad Core).  Not a reflashed PC card.

256MB of VRAM.  2 DVI ports & 1 S-video port.  Just pulled from my PowerMac 
G5 Dual Core, nice upgrade over the 6600LE.  Modified with a Zalman VF900 
GPU cooler (stock fan is really loud).  Also includes separate Molex power 
cable to power card/fan.  Will also include stock fan setup, if desired.

CPU has been sitting under my desk at home since new (no smoking or 
shedding pets) until it was retired late last year.

Would like $50.00 shipped.  Payment via PayPal or USPS money order.

Al Hutchinson

Portland, OR 97223

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