> Vintage Macs for sale:
> These are duplicates from my museum. Each one worked the last time I turned 
> it on, and if you are interested in any of these, I'll need to check it for 
> you.
> Almost all of them are clean to real clean - on the outside of each shell. 
> Very displayable!
> Classic I I (2)
> LC
> LC III (2)
> IIci
> Performa 6320
> 7100/80
> 7200/7580c
> 7200/120 
> 7500/100
> G3 iBook 500
> G3 iBook 600
> G3 iBooks 800
> PowerBook 145b
> PowerBook 520 c
> PowerBook 5300 c
> Duo 280 c
> Duo 2300 c
> DuoDock w. Duo 280c

$70 each, including shipping Conus. Discounts with pick up or large purchases.
Guaranteed well packaged for shipping. PayPal works great! Questions welcome...
Steve Abbott
MacMuseum, Charlotte North Carolina 28211

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