It's finally time for me to part with our MacBook Pros. It's been well
cared for and just upgraded.

- 15" MacBook Pro Mid-2010 model:
- Intel i7 2.66GHz processor
- 8GB Crucial RAM **UPGRADED**
- 240GB OWC Electra 6G SSD **UPGRADED**
- Mavericks 10.9.x installed

The good:
New battery installed - NewerTech Hi-Capacity Battery from OWC (07/08/2014)
New SSD - OWC 240GB SSD Electra 6G Series (07/08/2014)

Light cosmetic scratches and a slight nick/dent on the lid.

That's pretty much it. A powerful machine that will last you a long
time with a fresh brand new battery and lightning fast SSD!

Looking for $1100, $1000 with the original 500GB Hard Drive.

--- xxx ---

13" MacBook Pro Early 2011 model:

Fresh install of OSX Mt. Lion from the recovery partition.  Applecare
still in effect until August, perfect working condition.  Minor
cosmetic nicks and scratches, good battery life.

Looking for $800

Will consider a partial trade for a lightning equipped iPad (prefer
basic specced iPads, no cellular connectivity required).  iPad minis
ok.  Looking for 2.

Roland Zakaria
San Diego, CA 92108

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