I have a new/ refurbished/ replacement iphone 5 for sale.  Asking $275 shipped 
priority mail w/ insurance and signature. Ships from Orlando , FL.  32810. 
I accept PayPal as payment.

Here are the details... My son misplaced his iPhone about 7 months ago. Since 
he was still under contract w/ AT&T, he opted to buy a cheaper phone and wait 
out his contract. He planned in upgrading to an iPhone 6 once we were off 
contract, beginning of October. 

His friend found the lost iPhone in his car in the last week or so - it had 
some issues with the screen. Since it was still under AppleCare, apple replaced 
it with this iphone5. As soon as he came home from the Apple Store, we had AT&T 
unlock it ( we're off contract now) and list it on ebay. 

We had to insert his SIM card in order to unlock it, but that is the only use 
it has seen since we received it. 

It is in extremely good condition. I looked it over from all angles; if it 
wasn't for the fact that the iPhone 5 aren't sold in the Apple Store anymore, 
I'd swear it was brand new. 

Thanks for your interest. 

Let me know if you have other questions. I can provide pictures on request. 

Bill McAuliff 

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