I've got a 20" iMac G5 first generation with some issues that I'm looking
to sell either whole or in pieces. It could be used as-is as a server or
could be fixed up, but it's currently not perfect.

The good: the computer boots and runs, the fans work and don't make too
much noise, the speakers sound great, SuperDrive works (burning
capabilities not fully tested but it played all the DVDs and CDs I
tried), and the case is in very nice cosmetic condition.

The bad: there is an annoying video problem with the logic board. It puts
out video but there is a severe red tint like the connector isn't seated
properly. I've tried swapping parts with another iMac and have determined
that the LCD and cable are fine and the problem must be with the board
itself. When I got the computer there was no video at all, so I replaced
the two visibly bad capacitors and now it does this. I don't know if it's
fixable or not (maybe it's something simple like another capacitor, or
maybe it's something more serious). Also, the LCD panel itself has some
scratches and bruising, but no cracks. The power supply currently works
with no issues, but it will likely need to be recapped soon. The center
screw that holds the back closed is damaged, so the case doesn't want to
stay flush at the bottom (the two side screws still work fine and keep the
back on tightly). And, finally, it is missing the RAM, hard drive, and hard
drive bracket.

I'd like to get $40 plus shipping or best offer. If you just need a
specific part make an offer (the optical drive, fans, speakers, backlight
inverter, chassis, back/foot, and all internal cables are in excellent
condition, the front case, LCD, and power supply are fair but usable). I
may also be interested in a trade, and of course if you are local there'd
be no shipping to deal with. If you have any questions or want to see
pictures please feel free to ask.

Steven Fowler
eBay ID obi1kenobi1 (100% positive)
Houston, TX 77083

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