I'd be willing to budge a little bit off of my asking price. I'm just 
really looking to move this thing now. No offer will go un-entertained! 

Thanks to all and have a great weekend. 

On Monday, January 26, 2015 at 12:26:59 PM UTC-8, brettallica wrote:
> I have a 2008 Xserve for sale. This is the single 2.8GHz quad-core cpu 
> model. It has 8GB of RAM (1GB x 8), and an 80GB hard drive. Full specs can 
> be seen here: http://apple-history.com/xserve_early_08.
> This was purchased recently from LEM Swap (only a week or two ago), but it 
> is overkill for what I need so I'm reselling it now and just looking to 
> recoup the money I have in it. It works perfectly and looks good; there are 
> minimal scratches here and there but nothing outrageous. Definitely a great 
> unit! I currently have OS X 10.6 Server installed on an original authentic 
> 80GB Apple Drive Module, but I will wipe the drive clean in accordance with 
> LEM Swap rules. I can also reinstall and leave it in "out of the box" boot 
> mode (with Setup Assistant waiting for you to configure to your tastes) for 
> you if you wish. Photos and screenshots are available upon request. Just 
> ask me what you need and I'll get it for you shortly. 
> I'm offering this up for LEM Swappers for the cool price of $230 or best 
> offer (kinda firm on that price) plus actual shipping costs from 95076. I 
> will pack it securely with my own box and foam, and when it's all said and 
> done this should weigh about 45-50lb. I am also more than happy to ship on 
> your account if that's better for you.
> I am also open to trades, and would consider trading for a more valuable 
> item and paying the difference. 
> Thanks,
> Brett Roby (brettallica)
> Santa Cruz / Watsonville, California 95076

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