Hello all,

I've got two machines I'd like to pass on to other folks.

First is a Mac Mini 1,1, which has been upgraded with a T7200 2.0GHz C2D
processor, 3GB of RAM, and flashed to the 2,1 firmware (this enables you to
install Lion with a little TDM work). Combo optical drive and 60GB
harddrive, with power supply. In fairly good shape overall.

$100 shipped in the USA

Second is a 2008 MacBook, 4,1. 2.1GHz C2D processor, 3GB of RAM, 120GB hard
drive. Battery is original with just under 500 cycles but still holds a
decent charge of a few hours (does have some swelling, not anything
horrific). Some of the usual wear and tear that happens on these models
(i.e. chipping on palm rests, etc).

$100 shipped in the USA.

Pictures for both machines available on request, I'm open to offers and
possible trades as well.


Bradley Mattice
Provo, UT, 84604

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