Hi all:

I need to move to WA state so I have to reduce my computer headcount - 
sound familar?

All prices are OBO as I really don't want to recycle this stuff:

Quadra 950/66      32?/80?/160?/CD/floppy - 1/2 plastic is yellowed, has 
fabricated HD lights, key, Apple PPC 601/66 UG card w/ extra fan                

WGS 9150/120     32?/0/CD/floppy - 1/2 plastic is yellowed, 5 drive sled, 
keys, PDS terminator, cache card, missing top & mid plastic                     

WGS 9150/80?     8?/80?/160?/CD/Zip/floppy - 1/2 plastic is yellowed, 5 
drive sled, keys, PDS terminator, cache card, fabricated HD lights, missing 
top & mid plastic            75.00

 Quadra 950/WGS 9150 parts: (each is $2 except 5 drive sled is $50) 

                            Q950 card stabilizer, 

                            Q950 power supply, 

                            WGS 9150 5 drive 

                            Q950 1 drive sled, 

                            Q950 plastics: 

                                     mid drive - 1 MO, 1 tape BU, 4 CD, 1 
frt instl CD, 1 blank, 

                                     top drive - 2 floppy, 1 blank, 1 tape?  

                                     lwr cover w/ speaker, 

                                    1 side latch p/n 818-6262,  

                                    2 r. port covers, 

                            WGS 9150 SCSI ID select sw, 

                            2 power locks, 1 key (not matching), 

                            4 HD pwr cables (some spliced), 

                            HD pwr cables (2 way), 

                            2 LED drive light cables (fabricated)

eBay ID is fshort(electricshadowsinc.)

James Russell
Electric Shadows, Inc.
3009 Raintree Ct.
Bedford, TX 76021 USA


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