I've got a white MacBook, Early 2008 (A1181/Macbook4,1), in good condition 
with all hardware working. Passes Apple diagnostics 100%. Was used in a 
school environment for basic school/office work. Has some light wear on the 
lid. Screen is bright and free of visible marks or scratches. This MacBook 
runs 10.6 Snow Leopard and maxes out at 10.7 Lion. Comes with almost new 
battery (~50 cycles, full capacity), new 250GB hard drive, and charger.

Specs are:

* Intel Core 2 Duo 2.4 GHz CPU
* 2 GB PC2-5300 667 MHz DDR2 memory (2x 1GB)
* Intel GMA X3100 integrated graphics with 144 MB shared VRAM
* 250 GB 5400 RPM hard drive (freshly installed)
* 13" display, 1280x800 resolution 
* Battery is almost brand new, with only ~50 charge cycles on it. Capacity 
is at full.
* Comes with 60W MagSafe charger (non-OEM one)

I'd like to get $150 shipped in CONUS for it. Pics of everything available 
on request, of course. PayPal highly preferred. 

Christian Sagardia
Dayton OH 45458

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