Hi Swappers,

I’ve got four Mac minis up for grabs, all are Early 2006 models 
(Macmini1,1/EMC 2108/A1176) with 1.66 GHz Intel Core Duo processors and 
Intel GMA 950 graphics.  I only have the Minis, no power adapters, so 
you’ll have to bring your own. There are some slight variations in the 
models, listed below.

All are in good working condition, all hardware working 100%, some light 
wear on the lids and a little color fading/yellowing.

Prices and spec variations:

1) $50 - 2 GB PC2-5300 667 MHz RAM, 80 GB 5400RPM hard drive, Super Drive

2) $45 - 1 GB PC2-5300 667 MHz RAM, 60 GB 5400 RPM hard drive, Combo Drive

3) $40 - 512 MB PC2-5300 667 MHz RAM, 60 GB 5400 RPM hard drive, Combo Drive

4) $40 - 512 MB PC2-5300 667 MHz RAM, 60 GB 5400 RPM hard drive, Combo Drive

Please note, Snow Leopard needs 1 GB of RAM for operation/installation. All 
of these models can max out at 2 GB RAM, according to MacTracker. The 
memory, hard drives, and even CPUs can be upgraded on these Mac minis. The 
Core Duo to Core 2 Duo is a popular upgrade. It may also be possible to 
install & run 10.7 Lion, but that involves a bit of hackery. It is also 
possible to update the firmware on these to accept 3 or 4 GB of RAM. See 
the links below.

Some useful links:

Prices *do not* include shipping (12x9x4@3.4lbs via FedEx or USPS medium 
flat-rate, whatever is cheaper). Let me know your ZIP code so I can give 
you a grand total. PayPal preferred.

Christian Sagardia
Dayton OH 45458

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