Digging further into the closet:
10 of the old Wedge shaped ADB Mice $7.50 ea. 
1 Still in plastic, no box, M0115 Keyboard with coiled 6 ft. ADB cable SOLD
1 As new M2980 Keyboard with straight ADB cable(cable still in plastic) SOLD
2 Used M2980 Keyboard with straight ADB cable(cable still in plastic) $20.00
1 Apple Keyboard II M0487 with straight ADB Cable Good overall condition $35.00
2 Kensington Turbo Mouse for MacIntosh Model 64100 with 6 ft. coiled ADB cable $35.00 
7 as new 6 ft. coiled+straight ADB cables $5.00 ea.
1 8 ft. coiled + straight ADB cable $5.00
1 used 4 ft. ? coiled ADB cable $2.50 
1 used 6 ft. coiled + straight ADB cable $3.00 
3 Apple Ethernet adapters 3 pin male plug to 3 pin dual female $5.00 ea.
3 Apple Ethernet cables 3 pin) 6 ft. $4.00 ea.
1 Global Village Teleport 33.6 Fax/ Modem Model A812 with power cube and cables. $10.00
1 new in plastic 8? ft., 3 pin to DB 9 Ethernet cable $7.50
4 adapters for stacking 2 memory chips in a single socket for II series Mac $5.00 for all.
1 Consumer Technology Model P3  for Mac or PC, includes Adapter/Presenter, Power Supply, & S Video Cable and a series of other cables to adapt/connect the device to a monitor and computer $30.00 or best offer. This was a project that never got started, no documentation, untested see: www.directron.com/presenter3.html
All prices plus shipping from 20748, Cash, check or USPS money order, No PayPal, orders of 3 or more items are discounted 10 %.
Roger Volk
6013 Hope Dr.
Camp Springs, MD

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