After many years of "learning" about Macs, I am moving on to other things. My garage is too full. I need the space. I have around one hundred Macs, from an original 128 to G4s. I want to pass the stuff on to someone who wants to learn or even start a "business" moving this stuff to others.

I have sold bits of folks around the world. It was fun for awhile. Now it is someone else's turn.

The stack takes a LOT of space (the pile is about 6 ft wide. 6 ft high, and 6 ft deep, closely stacked. Moving it will take a truck or trailer.

No cherry picking. It all goes at one time. $250.00 and it is yours. Bring a truck.

I have cobbled together some photos and posted at: < > It might look like many of the items are incomplete, and a few are, but mostly I swapped components around to "max out" others. Very little of what I accumulated actually left permanently.

The stack is in Zip 97008, near Portland, Oregon.

This is a third post to LEM-Swap, as I believe the folks on this list deserve first, and perhaps a second and even a third opportunity at the stuff. Next try will be on other forums.

Thanks for looking.

Ken Daggett
Beaverton, Oregon 97008

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