OK, so it's about 10 years old, new in box. Nearly unused. Unpacked it to
see it's condition and to power it up. Works great! It's still got the new
Apple smell even. Includes all the documents and restore media. Bone stock
with 512 MB of ram and a 160 GB HD. Not so much as dust let alone a scratch
is on this Mac. Packed up in it's polyfoam bag and foam. Will be shipped
without keyboard but has a 'new' mighty mouse still in its wrapper along
with it's hard to find power cable and Apple VGA adapter. This is a
collectors dream. It's not often a Mac like this is offered up let alone
one that's been in storage and unused for 10 years. It's already a fairly
rare model let alone just like new. But I already own a dual 2.7 early
2005, and it's in presitine condition so my late 2005 is up for grabs.
Mainly because I need the room. Shipping will be outrageous but for a
fellow who wants this bad enough, as I did mine I am sure it's workable. I
am looking for $175 + shipping. I am open to serous offers of course and if
you have questions about the specs just look at the specs for 'late 2005'
on Everymac.com. I am happy to answer others.

Robert Wheeler
Mishawaka IN 46544

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