Hey swappers, 
The second computer I have up for consideration today is my 2012 MBP, 13-inch. 
I will either sell this one or the Air to get a new MBP, and am not sure which 
yet. This computer has a 2.9 GHZ core I7 processor, 16 GB of RAM, and a 480 GB 
Crucial SSD. I would consider this in B-grade cosmetic condition. The back left 
corner of the case is slightly crumpled, but this in no way affects the working 
condition of the computer. Additionally, the trackpad is slightly pushed up in 
one corner, this is the way I purchased the computer in 2014, but I have fixed 
this the best I can and again, in no way affects the usability of the machine. 
I can send pictures of the cosmetic damage, as I’m making it sound a lot worse 
than it actually is. Due to the RAM, processor configuration, and SSD, I’m 
looking for $950 OBO on this machine. 
Thanks for looking, 
Megan Bening 
Mankato, MN 56001 

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