I'm looking for a few internal parts for my iMac G4 to get it back into
optimal condition.

• Bluetooth antenna cable: I'm trying to add Bluetooth to my iMac but the
extension cable that connects the card to the antenna in the top case is
missing, so I think it was exclusive to iMacs that were sold with
factory-installed Bluetooth.
• Captive screws from the AirPort/RAM access plate: I only really need one
screw (with the retainer clip) and two springs, but a whole baseplate with
screws/springs would also work.
• Spring from the optical drive cover: if I remember correctly there are
two springs that snap the optical drive door shut when it closes, but I
lost one of them a couple years ago. I would only need one of the springs,
but if you could take a picture of where the springs are supposed to be
mounted that would be nice too.

And, finally, if you have or know any information about where I could find
a set of the three-pronged arm tightening tools I could really use them.

If you have any of those things please let me know your price with
shipping. I can pay via PayPal.

Steven Fowler
Houston, TX 77083

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