Hi Swappers,

I'm parting out a couple Sawtooth G4 towers and have most of two machines 
available. Parts include the following:

* 450Mhz CPU
* 400Mhz CPU
* Nvidia G-Force 2 MX video card
* 2 modems

$5 ea shipped in the continental US

* 2 DVD-ROM drives (Matsushita - one with headphone jack & volume on front, 
one without)
* 1 Zip100 internal drive
* CPU heatsink & clips

$5 ea. + shipping (will keep it reasonable)

I have two complete cases I will ship or part out - handles, drive sleds, 
CD/zip bracket, bezels, button board, fan assembly, etc. - let me know what 
you need. Let's say $5 OBO on any of those components listed, plus some 
shipping for larger items like PS or CD caddy.

The motherboards on both of these machines seem to have issues - one will 
post but not boot (hangs on a grey screen) and the other is fine once it's 
running but will not power on & off correctly - have to pull the power cord 
or motherboard power connector, depending on how it feels. USB port 2 on 
both boards appears to be dead. I plan to recycle them unless someone wants 
them for cost of shipping.

I also have a Quicksilver case with PS, motherboard, and CPU that does not 
boot. I will sell all or part out. $5 + shipping for any or all components.

Everything available for local pickup, will consider offers, and will 
discount if you want more than one item. I can email photos of anything 
listed on request. I'd love to see any of this get re-used rather than 
scrapped or recycled! I take PayPal.


Nate Hasbrouck
Cumberland, ME 04021
eBay: thetruemainestickman

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