Hi swappers,

I have an aluminum 2011 Mac Mini for sale, not working. It chimes, starts to boot, then chimes again and begins to reboot again. There is a small wiring harness that appears to have have been damaged and reconnected to the motherboard. There is 8GB of RAM installed, but the hard drive has been removed. The hard drive connector is included. The serial number is C07HW0GNDJD3. A remote is not included. I don't have the time to troubleshoot it, but maybe someone else can make use of the parts.

$130 shipped to all 50 states.  PayPal strongly preferred.

I reserve the right to sell it to the first person that can follow through with completing payment, even if they are not necessarily the first to respond to my post.

S. Bill Lozito
Victoria, MN  55386


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