FOR SALE: Mac Pro 5,1 (Genuine, not flashed 4,1) 

3.33 GHz 6-Core Intel Xeon CPU 

16 GB 1333 MHz EEC DDR3 RAM (4x4GB) 

ATI Radeon 5770 1 GB Video Card (Original Apple card) 

500 GB Samsung 850 EVO SSD on OWC Accelsior S PCIe card (Boot drive - seriously 

240 GB Mushkin SSD (used as scratch disk/temp storage) 

Dual 1 TB Hard Drives (identical drives used as a RAID) 

Dual DVD Burners 

4-Port USB 3.0 PCIe card 

Does NOT include keyboard, mouse or monitor. Will throw in original 2.80 GHz 
CPU (might make a nice Xmas ornament). 

Physical condition is excellent - no dents or dings. No screaming fans. The 
machine is currently running MacOS 10.12.2 Beta without issue. 

Shipped via UPS in a new OWC shipping carton. Insured shipping within the 
Continental USA included in the price. 

NOTE: The machine will be stripped down for shipping - the drives, RAM and PCIe 
cards will be removed and separately packed. You will need to reassemble the 
beast when it arrives. 

Asking $950. Compare at OWC to lesser machines costing up to $1500. No 
disappointments, no excuses.

Peter Wilson
Gallion, AL  36742                          

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