All functional: NEW or pulls that have been physically checked & tested. I discard immediately any unit that fails any part of the test. Discount if you buy 2 or 3, mix & match.
2 Internal tray-load DVD-RW IDE for iMacG4/PowerMacG4/G5 Desktops $15 2 Apple slot-load K06P DVD-RW Superdrive for MacMini/iMac24wht $15 2 NEW ASUS Internal Mac Pro SATA SuperDrive DVD-RW Dual-Layer burner $25 2 Apple slot-load CW-8123 DVD/CD-RW combo drive for iBkG4/PBkG4 $9 2 Apple slot-load CW-825 or UJ-846 DVD-RW Superdrive for iMacG5 $19 2 Apple slot-load GS-10N/UJ-857 DVD-DL for MacBook A1181 $25 2 Apple GA31N/GA23N/GS41N/UJ868 DVD-DL for MBP A1278/A1286 $35 Shipping with special packing: $7 for 1 unit or $9 for 2 Mo Hammad San Diego, CA 92117 -- You received this message because you are a member of the LEM Swap group. To post to this group, send email to To unsubscribe, send an email *from your subscribed address* to LEM-Swap is not a discussion list; it is for buying & selling Mac stuff. Reply directly to the person who posted, never to the list. Software piracy is illegal and not allowed on LEM Swap. Except for freeware and software originally provided with computers, no software is to be left on hard drives unless the original installer (not a burned copy) is included, along with any required registration number, password, etc. Shipments valued at US$100 or more should be insured, and shipments valued at US$25 or more should be shipped so they can be tracked. See the list FAQ for guidelines on postings, feedback, and dispute resolution. Seller feedback at --- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "LEM Swap" group. To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to For more options, visit