*Hello Swappers!*

*I have an iPhone 4 -- 16 GB -- White -- for Verizon. Is in Mint Shape as 
always kept in Lifeproof Case and or Griffin Defender Case. The Phone is 
Stock and Not Unlocked. Has a Clean ESN, Ready for You to Activate.Included 
in Deal: 1. Lifeproof Case2. Griffin Defender Case3. 2 Open Plastic Bling 
Cases found in drawer4. Apple Power Cable5. iPhone 4 ***I have the phone 
listed on Craigslist locally. Folks just want the cases or are no shows, 
Hey it's rural NH.. Don't wanna bust up the set. Here is the link so you 
can view it all..Craigslist Ad for the iPhone 4 
$30- Free Shipping with Tracking USPS!!! Happy Holidays and Thanks for 
Sullivan  Plymouth, NH 03814  uoughttok...@gmail.com   themin101 - 100% 
positive on ebay auction - Member since: Jan 18, 1999  *PayPal Verified 
Account    *

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