I have a solid, good condition Pismo for the taking.

500MHZ G3
120GB OWC SSD (OS 9 installed, running!) and free Apple brand HDD included 
(since the OWC drives don't seem to love OS X)
DVD drive (Original)
DVD-CRDW Combo drive too!!!!
Battery (blinks but won't charge, refurbish-able or buy new on eBay for $55)
Airport! Works!
Includes empty-battery "lightweight" module
Free external firewire HDD case

Outer Case is pretty good (good solid plastics but scuffs and scratches 
present on top lid/belly), 
hinges quite solid, screen is excellent and it's a great road laptop. 
Keyboard is very good and inside plastics are pretty nice! Clicker works 
Guaranteed to work and run on delivery. I know it seems high $ but that's 
considering SSD and DVD & Combo drives.

$249 with FREE USPS priority s&h in the US only please.
Brian Hunter in Concord, CA 94520
Ebay ID kriplstip

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