I took this laptop in on trade summer of 2016. It was dead at that time. 
It's still dead.
I  wast told what may have been wrong with it. After almost two years of 
looking at it I'm ready to move it along.
I'm simply not a fan of the Air model.

It's clean inside and out. I removed  a half dozed key caps looking for 
either dirt or sign of liquid damage. I found neither.
I see no visible reason why it shouldn't work. Hopefully its something easy 
and inexpensive.

All components are present. The case is quite nice and could serve to house 
known working components.
The screen has no scratches. It's not cracked either. But does it work? 
Beats me.

Obviously the battery is drained. It may or may not accept a charge.

This past weekend I took it completely apart hoping to see a cause for not 
working. I saw nothing to indicate why it won't work.
I probably wouldn't have bought replacement parts but did hope to identify 
to a potential buyer what may be needed.
Perhaps it will work if the battery is charged. Perhaps it will never work 

There's no power adapter included. Buyer gets what's shown in the photo's.

If you're a potential buyer you have to ask yourself, "do I feel lucky 
today, well do I?"
(yeah I like Clint Eastwood movies)

I'm asking $50 plus $15 for USPS mailing.

Chuck LaFray
La Grande, OR 97850

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