For saleā€¦

This is a resend with price reduced from $275 to $225.

MacBook Pro (15-inch, Mid 2010)

i7, 2.66GHz
NVIDIA GeForce GT 330M 

Okayish Battery
Optical works fine
Cosmetically clean

85W Apple Magsafe, all three partts
Comes with MBP box, but not the mate to this MBP.

This was a designer's main Mac when new, but started to KP too often. I took it 
and used it as a simple home server for a while, using gfxCardStatus.

gfxCardStatus works fine, but I got tired of dealing with it when it did crash 
(I had a 1TB HDD in there, and restarts took a while). So I took out the server 
drive, and put in this SSD for sale.

I suspect the video card just needs to be repasted.

$225 shipped in U.S.

Paypal fine, but not required.

Offers welcome.

Jeff Wechter
Minneapolis, MN 55406

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