FS: Drives, Memory, Cards, Misc.
RAM and cards from G4s.
Pictures available.

These drives come from G4 Macs. 
All HDDs have been erased and Surface Scanned using TechTool Pro extended scan.

1. Seagate Barracuda ATA IV 80GB ST380021A ($7)
2. Quantum FireBall Plus 30GB ($5)
3. Seagate Barracuda 7200.10 80GB ST380215A ($7)
4. Seagate Barracuda 7200.8 300GB ST3300631A ($12)
5. Western Digital Caviar SD 200GB WD2000 ($10)
6. Seagate Barracuda 7200.7 80GB ST380013A ($7).
7. Seagate Barracuda 7200.9 250GB ST3250824A
8. SONY NEC Optiarc DVDRW AD-7170A Optical ($15)

RAM $15 for all
(2) 512MB PC100 222S
(1) 512MB PC133 333
(2) 512MB PC133 322S
(1) 512MB PC100 222S
(2) 256MB PC100 222S


1. GeoForce 2 TwinView AGP 64MB ($15)
2. ATY Rage 128 Pro 16MB ($10)
3. Wireless Motorola 802.11g ($10)
4. OrangeLink Firewire + USB
5. (2) RJ11 Onboard Phone card from G4s ($5)


Microphones ($10)

Apple Stickers
Decals including early Rainbow striped. ($10)

Universal Drive Adapter
"Turns an spare/swapped out drive into an external storage solution." This is 
what I used to check the drives listed above. Pictures show literature and 
description of operation. $25)

VGA ADAPTERS - picture shows both sides. ($12)

Riven ($5)
Myst ($5)
Beyond CyberPunk ($5)
StoraDrive NewerTech two draw storage for unhoused drives ($10)

Paypal, Shipping and packing extra.


Dale Hoffman
Louisville, KY

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