Thinning my herd of "cheesegrater" Mac Pros.

1st system:
2010 Dual-Processor, upgraded to 2x 3.33GHz x5680s (130w)
2x8GB DDR3-ECC-1333
240G SSD for boot, 2x 1TB Apple-label HDDs
Radeon 5770

I have the original box for this system. This is a pristine example that
was boxed up in a closet before my ownership, and based on SMART hours on
the HDDs it saw less than a year of use prior to that.

2nd system:
2009 Single-Processor flashed to 2010 firmware, upgraded to a 3.06GHz x5675
1x 8GB DDR3-ECC-1333
120G SSD for boot, 1x 500G WD Black HDD

I don't have a box for this system. No damage to the handles or chassis,
but has some scratches and signs of use.

I am willing to drive up to 2 hours from 17268 to deliver these. The 2010
can also be shipped for actual cost. I am hesitant to ship the 2009 as I
don't want to see the handles get trashed.

System #1: $1100
System #2: $600

Thanks for looking!

Chance Reecher
Waynesboro PA 17268

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