Hi all, 

I have my single-owner (me) Time Capsule in 1TB capacity, 2009 version. It 
has served me well over the years and still works perfectly. I am simply 
redoing my home network and this is a casualty of that project. The plastic 
casing is in near-perfect condition, with only minor minor minor scuffs at 
best. All ports work perfectly. Everything is essentially perfect. 

I have wiped the Time Capsule clean and it is ready for a fresh 
installation. It looks and performs like a brand new system.

This item comes complete with the original box in good/great condition, 
original power cord, and the complete original pouch holding the pamphlets 
and disc.

I am asking $50 plus actual shipping costs. I accept PayPal and Venmo.

Images can be found at the following link:


I also have my original Air Mount TC that goes with this system, also in 
perfect condition. I'd like to ask an additional $20 for that. There are a 
couple images in the above Dropbox link. 

Air Mount TC reference links:



Please feel free to e-mail with any questions.

Brett Roby

Santa Cruz, California 95003

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