I have a couple of complete but not fully functional G4 machines available 
for parts or repair. Looking to get $30 each plus actual shipping (or $20 + 
shipping without power supplies). Details below. 
Contact me with any questions, offers or swaps.
Chris Farrell
Phoenix, OR 97535

Powerbook G4 12" 
867 Mhz/ 768 MB RAM/ 40 GB hard drive - noisy/ Combo drive/ Airport card/ 2 
batteries that hold charge (time unknown)/ Apple 45W power supply

This machine powers on but the display does not light up. Hard drive is 
noisy and most likely failing.

Mac Mini G4
1.25 GHz/ 1.25 GB RAM/ 80 GB hard drive (I installed this and it works 
fine)/ Combo drive/ Apple 85W power supply

This machine had been working fine until the integrated graphics failed. 
The original Mac Mini model.

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