Up for sale is my Mac OS X Server 10.4 Unlimited Client version install 
discs and user guide. This is an unused set. We were once subscribers to 
the automated OS X Server upgrades at work, and we skipped over the 
installation of this version. While Apple did deliver it to us, it was 
never installed or used, so it's been sitting for a while — waiting for a 
new home. The original plastic sleeve containing all of the discs has never 
been opened. The serial numbers on the label have been blurred-out in the 
image to ensure that no one tries to use it while it is for sale. That is 
my Photoshopping of the actual package that is for sale.

Click here to see the photo. 

This is a great version of Server OS X for older Macs that can't run the 
newer versions of Server OS X. Even some of the Mac Pro towers that are 
still very powerful even compared to the absolute newest Macs but can't run 
the new operating systems will love something like this and will do very 
well with it. Just about any of the G4 systems can run this just fine, too. 
Of course, it goes without saying that you should do your homework to 
ensure compatibility, functionality, etc.

I am trying to find the right value for this, and have come up with $150, 
plus actual shipping costs from ZIP code 95076 in California. PayPal or 
Venmo please. Please feel free to contact me about the price. I'm very 

Be sure to check your spam/junk folder for my reply, as I get back to 
people very quickly.

Thank You.

Brett Roby
Santa Cruz, California 95076

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