
For sale is an Early 2007 Macbook Pro, with glossy display, 2.6 GHz BTO 
option, 4 GB RAM, and 200 GB hard disk.

I've completely rebuilt it, cleaning out the fans and heatsink of dust and 
grime, applying new thermal paste, replacing broken/missing components, and 
stress testing to make sure everything's performing properly. So far as I 
can tell, there are no GPU issues (*knocks on wood-like surface* :) ), and 
the machine is solid and working as it should.

It will come with the latest OS X that it will run (El Capitan), an AC 
adapter, and a used, but functional battery.

Price is $100 shipped CONUS or best offer (I will consider international 
shipping, but for extra cost).

Thank you!

Cee Craig
Lafayette, CA 94549

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