Have two phones to get rid of after upgrades in the family.

$50 - iPhone 5 - 16 GB - was originally a Straight Talk device, but was then 
used on an ATT reseller, then ATT prepaid for several years most recently. 
White/silver. iOS 10.3.3 (highest it will take). Battery changed maybe 6 months 
ago (3rd party battery). Decent condition overall. No case. I will include a 
charging cable for an extra $5.

$25 - iPhone 4s - 16 GB - Used on ATT prepaid for several years. iOS 9.3.5 
(highest it will take). Decent condition overall. White. The battery was not 
changed since we owned it, but I don’t know about before we owned it. 
Blue/black case included (used). I will include a charging cable for an extra 

I don’t know about unlock status on either of these phones — I’m having trouble 
getting the ATT online tool to give me any info on the phones. You should count 
on these both working on ATT (as they have for the past couple of years), but I 
can’t guarantee other networks. I am happy to provide IMEI numbers and you can 
do your own research before buying.

Prices include shipping, or best offer. I will take some photos upon request.

I accept direct CC payment via stripe, paypal, check/M.O., etc.  Items will 
ship upon receipt of cleared payment.

Email me at clayshowal...@gmail.com to express interest.  I reserve the right 
to sell it to the first person that can follow through with completing payment, 
even if they are not necessarily the first to respond to my post. 


Clay Showalter
Harrisonburg, VA  22802

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