Greetings Swappers!

Kind of a long shot, but I'd rather try here than go immediately to eBay.  
I'm looking for a "better" video card for a Quicksilver G4, that supports 
dual displays in extended mode rather than just mirrored mode, and is 
supported under OS 9.  The current factory card (GeForce2) only supports 

I know the GeForce4 MX in my old MDD supported this functionality, but I'm 
not certain on other cards so I'll have to take your word for it.  My big 
requirements are:
- an actual Mac compatible card, not a flashed PC card, that will do 3D 
acceleration under OS 9
- an ADC port; now that I have an ADC display I intend to use it until it 
Otherwise I'm flexible on the amount of VRAM or the secondary connection 
type.  The system will be used primarily for old OS 9 games, the most 
demanding of which I own is Exile, so literally any card that supports dual 
displays will work.

Shipping is to Clive, IA 50325, and I can pay money via your method of 
choice or line up a trade if I have something you want/need.  I can also do 
a pickup if you're near the DSM metro area, or near/along my routes to 
Minneapolis, Chicago, or Grand Rapids as I make regular trips to all three 


Mike Boyd
Clive IA, 50325

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