Macintosh SE FDHD
model m5011

30MB hard drive
Floppy drive tested and works
3rd party round serial port/card, not sure what it is

No major blemishes
Usual discoloration/yellowing for an old unit
A few extremely minor scuffs, a little bit of dirt or tape residue
Front has some numbers written in marker (was a school unit) that may be 
able to be cleaned off, really faint now
Rear has a school property plate, some writing near the serial number.

The monitor works OK most of the time, but it can and will get "wiggly" and 
the display will jitter around horizontally (mostly during startup). In the 
video it appears mostly fine, but at times it can be jittery enough to 
really make it unusable for a few seconds. I had it running for 10 minutes 
straight with no significant problems.


I can supply photos

Asking $75, but make an offer as I'd rather sell this than keep it. I'm not 
using it at all.

Chris Paveglio
State College, PA 16801

email if interested:

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