A recently retired 13-inch MacBook Pro (Model 7,1) with 8GB of RAM, a 240GB 
SSD boot drive and the DVD slot occupied by a OWC Data Doubler with a 1TB 
SATA drive. The battery gets about an hour or two of life depending on what 
you're using it for. The charger is the original and still works fine, but 
is reinforced with electrical tape at the critical juncture where all those 
old style plugs started to break apart. Case is in B condition, with minor 
scuffs on the top and bottom, but no dents. Screen is 100%. There's a 
half-inch crack on the spacebar from 2012 when I dropped a screwdriver, it 
never caused any functional problems. 

I have an untested replacement body for it if you really wanted to go to 
all that trouble for a perfect space bar. I decided I didn't.

I also have the original DVD drive if you wanted to put that back in there, 
and you're welcome to the original installation disks.

Has a padded sleeve, both drives wiped, with only a fresh install of High 
Sierra on there for testing.

Asking $250 Shipped in the CONUS. PayPal only. It's coming from Greenfield, 
MA 01301. If you're local you could pick it up for $220 and save me the 
bubble wrap and packing peanuts. 


Matthew Wright

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