This was given to me 2 years ago. keyboard and outside is pretty clean. I tried 
installing some versions of unix before giving up on it. Battery seems dead, 
but comes with a charger. Starts up, makes a lot of noise, probably the HD 
going south, or maybe a problem with the fan. I get the chime and the apple 
logo, but in seems to hang there. Tried starting it with an OSX 10.3 CD with no 
luck. The screen has weird colors. Anyway, I am done with it. If anyone wants 
it, I will ship it to you for $20 within CONUS. PayPal works for me.

Here are the specs:
1.33 Ghz
60 GB HD
768 MB Ram
ser No. UV448619RCT
Pictures here: 

Stephen Soucy
Ellsworth ME 04605

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