I'm cleaning out some old storage and found a box of old Mac stuff and 
other vintage computing items. I don't need it so I thought I would offer 
it here rather than throwing it away. If you want more details or pictures 
on any items let me know, I'll do my best to describe them all here.

Note: I'm pretty sure everything worked when it went into storage but most 
of these items are too old for me to test, so everything is untested, 
as-is, etc. Floppies especially may not age well.

Apple Pro Keyboard - M7803 - dirty but seems to work
USB Mouse - M5769 - some scratches
Round USB mouse - M4848 - bondi blue
ADB Mouse II - M2706 - yellowed

Cables & adapters:
Apple DB-15 Monitor cable - 590-0161-A - 3' long
Apple HDI-45 to DB-15 Power Mac Display Adapter - 590-0796-A
DB-15 to VGA adapter - unbranded
VGA to DB-15 adapter - unbranded
2x iPod USB cables

8x Superdrive - GS41N
20x CD-ROM module M2451 - Wallstreet?
24x CD-ROM module M7388 - Lombard?
Floppy module - CK8362LFDY2 - for Wallstreet
VST Technologies SuperDisk Drive - LSG32 - for Lombard PowerBook G3
5 original Apple Airport cards - 825-4593-A
Mac Plus ROM chips 342-0341-C and 342-0342-B (unknown condition)
Airport Extreme card - A1026 EMC 1951
BT module - A1126

Color Classic Install floppies, 3 disks
LCIII System disks set, System 7.1, 6 disks
StyleWriter/StyleWriter II Install floppies, 4 disks
ClarisWorks 4.0 Course Disk
Mac Mini 10.4.5 Install, 2 discs
iMac Software Install/Restore set (OS 8.1 and 8.5)
- Software Install/Restore, 2 discs
- Williams-Sonoma Good Cooking
- Quicken Deluxe 98
- Kai's Photo Soap SE
MacAdvocate Spring 1997 CD L02177A
MacAddict Oct 1996 "the disc"

Extra stuff:
Palm accessories - 2 styluses, Wireless Keyboard, misc discs and manuals
2 Large white Apple stickers
2 large rainbow Apple stickers (vintage)
Linksys 5-port 10/100 network switch - EZXS55W

Everything is free, I just ask that you pay for shipping from 16001.

Stephen Faucette
Butler, PA 16001

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