Up for offer are 2 complete (albeit non-operational) Drobo 4D hard drive RAID 
enclosures. I had one that i had been using for several years for 
archive/backup. which died about 4 years ago. Repair technician said it was the 
fan/power supply that fialied, and he wouldn’t be able to find parts. I bought 
the second to replace the dead one and now it has died as well with the same 
symptoms. So, if anyone can use one or both for parts or repair, all I want is 
to get rid of them, so for the cost of shipping from Fort Wayne, IN 46805 you 
will get the drive enclosure(s) (sans hard drives), external power bricks and 
the included FireWire 800 and USB cables, documentation, and all the original 
packaging and box(es)

Related WTB: I am keeping my hard drives and need to get the data off of them, 
soI would be interested in buying a working Drobo model tat I can use with my 
drives. If anyone has one to sell, or can repair one of the aforementioned, 
please let me know how much the cost will be.

I accept non-CC PayPal, and can give you the total weight and shipping cost 
when you let me know your ship to ZIP code.

Thanks in advance..

—Tim Allison
Fort Wayne, IN 46805

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