I have 3 drives sitting on a shelf from a parted out 2011 27" iMac - all
were working when it died due to bad graphics card. Drives include
cables and mounting brackets.
Prices include shipping by USPS Priority from 99615 Kodiak Alaska, if
you want more than one I'll lower the price. PayPal preferred, but
cash/check OK if you don't mind waiting:
256gb Sata SSD Toshiba THNSNC256GBSJ CJAA0201 Apple# 655-1653B 2.5"
2.0TB Sata HDD Hitachi HDS723020BLA642 PN:0F16970 MLC:MNR6D0 Apple#655-1727A
Apple iMac 8X DVD DL Superdrive HL-DT-ST DVDRW GA32N
Stephen Bodnar
Kodiak, Alaska 99615
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