I’ve owned the Lombard for well over ten years. It always works. 

It supports OS 8.6 thru 10.3.9. 9.21 is the current OS, which can be 
upgraded to 9.22. The upgrade software is on the HD.

The hard drive works exactly as it should. I doubt it has 300 hours of use.

00RAM is maxed to Apple specs at 384MB.

The keyboard IS clean as new. No dust bunnies below the caps, just a clean 
surface. Key caps don’t show wear either.

The battery charges to one light. Sometimes I can start the laptop off 
battery but the laptop promptly shuts down. 

Here’s what I can tell you about it. First the negatives.

There is no infra-red card or lens.

There is minor plastics damage on the left side at the front edge.

There is no screen latch. It was gone when I bought the laptop. However 
I’ve never considered its absence to be an issue as the top always stays 
down when closed.

The good news:

It has built-in DVD. No need for a DVD PC card.

The DVD/CD drive works great.

The screen is still very bright. It’s easy on the eyes.

I’m including a FireWire 400 PCMCIA card featuring two ports. It works 

FYI: the laptop cost $3,500 new. It’s amazing to think people paid that 
much. Plus tax where applicable.

I took a bunch of photo’s and posted them here:


Continue double-clicking on a photo until it’s large enough for your 
viewing pleasure6

Technical info here:


I bought the Thule bag new. I don’t think it’s ever left my house. It keeps 
the laptop clean and safe.

I’m selling the laptop for $50. Included is the power adapter, the FW card, 
and the Thule carry bag. 

As everyone is probably aware, shipping costs have become downright 

In recognition of that stupidity I’m asking $50 for shipping. I will find a 
shipping box just slightly larger than the Thule but with room for 
bubblewrap protective padding. I will try to keep the box dimensions small 
to avoid some mondo-stupid shipping rate. Should shipping be less than $50 
I will refund the unused money. If shipping is over $50 I will absorb it.


Chuck LaFray

Ocean Shores, WA 98569

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