Hello Swappers.
This is a current model M1 mini in perfect working condition.  It comes in 
it's original Apple box with power cord. It looks and works like new, and 
is a delight to use.  It is the same model you could buy from Apple today.  
This Mac was originally purchased by me as a refurb, so the box is a refurb 

The power supply died in this machine and was replaced under warranty by 
Apple certified techs at MicroCenter (the easily removed repair sticker is 
still on it).  It works perfectly and had an easy life on my desk until I 
replaced it because I needed more storage. 
A little wine spilled on the empty box at one point so the box has some 
staining from that, but the machine was nowhere near it when that happened, 
and it has never been dropped or damaged in any way.

I am the owner of this computer and it will not be tied to any FindMy or 
iCloud accounts.
Mac Minis do not include monitors, mice, or keyboards.
You will have a "new Mac" experience out of the box.
$480 shipped Continental US.
PayPal, CashApp, Venmo.

Thank you.
Mike Moon
Columbus, OH

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